Organizing my binder for this class.
My first class was last night. It was scary, exciting, enlightening, and interesting. It's a small class, with four female students and a female instructor. The instructor gave us some documents to print, and I skipped over to my parents to print the documents out. I ended up with this: Many noble trees died in printing this. Yeah, that's a lot of paper. 188 pages in the big pile. That also did not show my handouts from class. All of it necessary for my class. I realized last night, but confirmed today, that with this much potential paper, that I would need a binder and to figure out a way to organize it, since a lot of this is reference materials. I went home and dug found my binder that I knew would work for this. I figured out how to organize it so that it would be practical for class. I got out my whole punch, took the tabs I had in the binder and labeled them with pencil: lecture, HW (for homework), Mixed Review, and...