Oh boy oh boy...
I've been sick, but this... this is sick the likes of which I have not felt in a while. My stomach has been in the midst of something. I am not sure if it was the new diet, the flu, or something that I have yet to figure out... but my word it was bad. At least I have a pretty bathroom full of ducks. Though the art in the back moved to another wall. I love this bathroom. The shelves are from Ikea, and are actually picture ledges. Which turned out the be the perfect size for ducks to sit upon and they are narrow enough that I am not constantly bumping into ducks. Yes, we have duck current, but it's simple classic yellow ducks and yellow duck rings on the rod. It's cook, it works, and it is so us. Speaking of projects, we re-purposed another Ikea item. It was a DVD holder. I cannot find these any more and I cannot figure out what their name was. However Jim wanted to use it as a book case and I wanted to toss it. When I suddenly realized...