Decor and More!

Well. I didn't do well on the math entrance exam. (They should have actually called it the Algebra entrance exam.) I did so bad, that I cannot get into the remedial math program. I am doing review, hoping I have something on my Berkeley College of Business Transcript that shows a college level math on it, so that I can enroll. In the mean time I can review, get tutoring sessions, and take the test again. IF I were to fail the test, then I would have to wait a year to try again. I would need to pass well enough to by-pass the remedial class. Ugh. I am doing a whole lot of math right now. I had an interview today, which I sent out a thank you note for. I am not sure how I did, but it was for a part time position here in town. It could be interesting. Then last night, I just went to Walmart and ended up getting a few paint chips for the repainting I would like to do in our kitchen. We have some drywall repair to do...