Migraines and Management

I have had migraines for years. I have had them for close to 30 years now, but at times it feels more like 300 years.  I have taken a lot of stuff to help with migraines. Unfortunately when you lose your medical benefits, you have to adjust.  And by adjust I mean find things that work that don't need to come from a doctor you can't afford.  So here is stuff that I take when the pounding in my head is starting off.  I nearly had a heart attack when Excedrin Migraine when off the market, and I swear that Advil Migraine for me, works on the ones that are step up from the Excedrin but not enough to warrant using one of the limited supply of prescription medication I have.   

Now these are the key, though the bottles may change and thus the amount of pills but I swear that Magnesium and fish oil have made the biggest difference in my brain.  The B-Complex plus additional B6 also work really well.  I can tell if I am messing up taking my vitamins.  The other stuff is just general health stuff.  

Other than that, the challenge is routine.  If I vary the amount of sleep I get too much, I get a headache.  If I don't get enough caffeine, my head hurts.  It's a challenge but at this point I think if my head went a month without a migraine, that I'd be worry that something was REALLY wrong.  Now stress is a factor as well, so I am going to go back to working on finding a position....

Later - 


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