What I watch on TV.

Source: http://www.freeimages.com/

I don't watch a lot of TV usually.  Tonight I am watching Ninja Warrior something or other.  Since I am trying to get in shape, I find it expiring.

What I usual make it a point is Doctor Who.  When it's on BBC America.   Matt Smith was my first doctor, however I must confess, I have never seen a full season of it till the current season.   SO that's an odd thing.

I also watch this show called Gotham.  Thought I am not sure about it. It has moments I enjoy, but I had a Monday Night Class.  Which means I missed most of the season, and honestly that's when I started losing interest in it.

On my to watch list is Firefly.  I think I'd enjoy it.   I also like to watch Shark Tank, but I think that's the MBA student in me wanting to listen to the pitches.

Edit: I realized I forgot to mention, and I am shocked I forgot to mention that I will watch anything to do with cryptozoology and the paranormal.  This is something I will watch on-demand to catch up.



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