Long time no speaks -  life has taken a strange turn lately and I am trying to keep on keeping on with life.   COVID-19 is running about, and being that we live in NJ, well - I am not working and taking time to get things in order.  FYI -I have some links in here, that I do get a tiny commission or rewards for referral for. 

Quick Run Down - 
  • I am still working on my books.  
  • The cats (all four) are healthy and happy kitties.  We have been working so hard on good cat manners and are discussing the possibility of taking cats for walks. 
  • We will be married for TEN YEARS next year.  (Wow, that went fast!) 
  • We are still actively working on getting our lives in order enough to adopt our child. 
  • I swapped to Erin Condren for my planners  -  I have a monthly for use with all things Money and Budget.  I have ordered an 18-month weekly planner that starts in July to use for everything else.   More on that in another post.  
Anyway -  One of the things we are using the extra time to do is work on ourselves and our home.  We have been part of the Android nation for years now.   I have never owned anything other than an Ipod from Apple.   Not that I think that Apple products are bad, but when I use Google Chrome, have a Samsung Table that uses Android,  our phones our Motorola that uses Android OS, it seemed clear to stick with it with the upgrade to our home.   

It's always listening...
Today we took a leap into the future and started to set up our home to be the house of the future using Google Assistant.   We got 2 speakers, a table for the kitchen and our bedroom.   It's been an adventure to set the system up - and I would still like to add to the system to include a Nest Learning Thermostat which could learn to cool the house off when we go to sleep at night.  

So far,  J is having a blast having our speakers "meow" at the colony.   Additionally, it can control the X-Box for him.  (Little does he realize that this could be used against him...)  I am thinking about adding smart switches eventually. 


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