I am trying to kick start my life.

I think I might just be doing that.  I had a whole bunch of things going on, that I was planning about talking about: 
  • Job Search
  • DYI Projects around our house.
  • Cooking experiments 
  • Improve our finances
  • Improving our small business, Mystical Wonders
  • Trying to change to a more of a Flexitarian diet for myself 
  • Exercising so I can walk a 3k, and eventually run a 5k  
We just came back from our honeymoon broke as broke could be.   It's hard to do home improvement projects when Jim works overnights, as well as my lack of employment limiting funds.  Then my sister suggested I looking at DeVry University cause they had a scholarship program. I called them, and mentioned something about a Masters Degree.  Turns out they have a scholarship program for that as well.  I went there, and Jim found a brochure about Project Management.  Which is something I had always thought would be a good field to get into.  Well apparently the universe was up to something because I go back to pay my application fee, take an assessment test, and meeting financial aid (since I already did the FAFSA.)  on Tuesday.

I wonder if this would help.
I am going to be working on a Masters of Business Administration, with a concentration in Project Management.  This will give me the most flexibility for future employment, because the straight up MBA is an impressive skill set.  The Project Management concentration, in addition to teaching skills for the career, will also prepare me for PMI Certification.  This certification is an optional license, that shows an added level of commitment to following documented project management standards.  I would initially have to go for Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM), then after a couple of years later go for a more specialized certification one I have a grasp on how my career is going.
For some reason, I look forward to taking the tests, and meeting project managers, signing up with the professional organization, and taking advantage of their educational stuff.  (I'm a geek. I like learning. Learning is fun.  Someone please remind me of this when I am banging my head against the wall screaming about why am I doing this!)
My classes will be at night, starting around 6 PM to 9:30 PM, or can be on Saturday.  A large portion of my classes are also on-line with discussions, lectures, and projects being submitted that way.  Some of the classes will be totally on-line. So this means, that right now, my job search can continue.  However, Jim and I both feel that my main focus should be school.   So I am keeping that in mind while I am searching for work. 
Textbooks are E-Books, and I am already working with Microsoft OneNote to get familiar with that prior to the start of classes, because one place to store a lot of the data for projects and assignments sounds REALLY good to me.   In addition, I currently need a thumb drive for class, which I already have. 
I should get a new battery for this. 

Plus, an MBA might help me with Mystical Wonders. I do not expect that my fantasy based painted ceramics will be a major source of in-come,  however it would make a great project for my end-cap that I need to complete in order to graduate. 

I am excited and nervous. I just hope I can secure the loans to make grad school happen, and do well enough on the assessment that I do not need remedial math classes.  Then again if I do need it, this could make my math skills much stronger.   So in edition to the list above, I now have this added to the plate, and I think it might help in some of the other things that I want to get done.  After all, I have an associates in Paralegal Studies, a Bachelors of Arts in English from Rutgers, a Certificate in Meeting planning from Kean University.  So apparently being a student is something I enjoy and hence why I know it will be worth it in the end. 

Just remind me to re-read this post in about 6 months when I am complaining about school. Now I best get a  calendar with task list going.... 

Later ~


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